"Being different makes you interesting"

Friday, February 17, 2012

Evelyn and Hunter

When Elizabeth and Evelyn were here for the funeral, Evelyn got along with Hunter very well!  Wish I had a photo of Hunter "nosing" her to get her to play, making Evelyn giggle!  The high chair I have just about swallowed the poor girl up.  This girls loves her food!  And she sometimes shared with Hunter.

 Hunter was waiting for Evelyn to drop some food, which happened now and then

 She loves her food!

 Hunter is still waiting. . . . .
In the end, Hunter got the remains of Evelyn's dinner.  Don't worry, the tray got a very thorough wash with hot water and soap!

1 comment:

anitamombanita said...

she's quite the little dolly and so glad you have Hunter to give you lots of loves!