"Being different makes you interesting"

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Merry Christmas to All~~2010 Christmas Letter

Dearest Family and Friends, December 2010

Merry Christmas from our home to yours as 2010 comes to an end! We have had a very blessed and busy year in our family! The year of 2010 will stand out as a memorable time for all of us.

The year started with the engagement of Elizabeth to Dave Whitaker! Their marriage in the Oakland temple was held on May 1st. They met in their ward at BYU—their Bishop having something to do with them getting together. . . One week before the wedding, Elizabeth graduated from the BYU Nursing program. She is now an RN, and worked for a while at Primary Children’s hospital in Salt Lake City. Elizabeth recently left her job to team up with Dave as they start their own business. Dave will graduate from the BYU Construction Management program this month. Business name: Bluerock Builders. They will focus on residential remodels.

Katie graduated from Saratoga High School June 10. She is attending University of Utah studying Art. Katie is really enjoying the UofU experience. She says that college is so much better than high school!

Jonathan graduated from Redwood Middle School June 11; now a freshman at Saratoga High. He plays a marching baritone in the marching band. He will play his euphonium for concert season. Jonathan plans to do track in the spring and finishing up his Eagle.

Matthew graduated from the UCLA Neuroscience program in June 12. Two days later, he flew to Singapore to live and work for a year. While he is there, he is searching for an MD/PhD program to start in 2011. A recent trip stateside for interviews brought Matthew home for Thanksgiving, but he probably won’t be home for Christmas. We will miss him. There will be more interviews to come after first of the year. It’s like having him on a mission, only we can call him on Skype anytime we want. We actually had, and attended, four graduations this year! Three of them being consecutive!

Sarah has recovered nicely from her accident with the industrial mixer last fall. After surgery and some therapy, her hand is gaining strength. She works at a specialty bakery, having baked Elizabeth’s wedding cake. Sarah works with the 10 year old girls for Activity Days.

Martha continues her studies in the Fashion Apparel program and has taken up pottery this semester. Her Grandpa Max would be proud~ Martha went to Girls Camp with mom to help with crafts.

Scott has been very busy! He spends half of his time in China where he is starting his own consulting company there, just outside of Shanghai. He has traveled extensively in Asia this year. Scott was recently called to be the Stake Executive Secretary. Thank goodness for email!

Jenette is holding down the fort. Started a family blog: http://jenettesfamilyblog.blogspot.com.

Before we say goodbye—we would like to announce that Dave and Elizabeth are expecting a baby May 27, 2011! Much can happen in a year! It will be wonderful to greet our first grandchild! Such starts another chapter in the Wheelwright home. We pray for you and your families as we enter into the New Year 2011! May you be blessed and happy; healthy and safe. You mean so much to us. Take care everyone!

Love, Scott, Jenette, Sarah, Matthew, Elizabeth, Dave, Martha, Katie, and Jonathan

Here is our year in pictures:

BYU Graduation in April 2010. Elder Christoffersen, Elizabeth, and Dave.

Elizabeth, Martha, Scott, Dave, Jonathan

Martha, Elizabeth, Dave, Scott, Jonathan

Elizabeth, Jenette

Elizabeth, Dave

Engagement photo shoot at Wildwood Park, Saratoga
Dave and Elizabeth

Coming out of the temple after sealing ceremony

Grandpa Harrieth, Jenette, Katie

Kalisha Roberts, Danielle Walton, Elizabeth Whitaker, Kristen Shafer
Best friends since they were five

All in attendance at the temple

Whitaker Family

Wheelwright Family

Siblings and spouses

Happy Hands

One, two, three. . . .go!

Landing together for eternity

Katie graduation from Saratoga High

Jonathan graduation from Redwood Middle School

Matthew graduation from UCLA

1 comment:

Amy said...

Congratulations on the new baby grand baby to arrive in May.