"Being different makes you interesting"

Friday, July 2, 2010

Jonathan Graduation from Redwood Middle School June 11, 2010

A day after Katie's graduation, Jonathan had his graduation from Redwood Middle School. It was June 11, 2010. It was hotter than the day before and not as comfortable to sit through! Grandpa even went and bought cold waters. Before the afternoon was through, I had a sunburn on my neck!

This is another "I can't believe it" moment! Jonathan is our youngest and seems like last week when we brought him home from the hospital! He is growing so and is getting taller all the time. He has almost caught up to me. . . . It seems impossible that Jonathan will be entering high school in the fall. Wow! There is no more elementary or middle school for us!

The graduation was too long, too hot. but fun none the less. After the ceremony, the parents put on a party at the school. Jonathan had a great time and came home with some goodies! Flashing sunglasses, gift cards and good memories.

It is blurry, but this is Jonathan shaking hands with Mrs. Kelly Green, yep that's
her name, the principal of Redwood.

As you can see, Jonathan just loves having his picture taken!

Still unsure of the camera. . . .

Finally. Katie, Jonathan, Scott, Martha, Grandpa.

Below, Scott, Jonathan and myself.

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