"Being different makes you interesting"

Monday, December 26, 2011

A Visit from Elizabeth and Evelyn

Elizabeth and Evelyn came for a visit the week before Christmas!  It was great to have them here!  Sarah had made a gift for Evelyn that she wanted to be opened first thing.  It was fun to watch Evelyn's face as she tried to tear apart the paper.

 Of course, the paper was the best part!

 Such a happy, pleasant baby.

 Evelyn has the cutest smile with dimples.

 Great-grandpa Harrieth was taken to the hospital at the beginning of their visit.  We took Evelyn to visit grandpa.

 We took the family out to dinner at California Pizza Kitchen one night.  The food was great!  And the entertainment was even better!

 Evelyn shared grandma's dinner.  Most everyone else ordered pizza, but grandma had pasta, with chicken and broccoli.  When grandma was done, Evelyn helped clean up the plate.

 At dinner we have Matthew, Jonathan, Sarah, Martha, Elizabeth, Katie and Evelyn.

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