"Being different makes you interesting"

Sunday, September 4, 2011

We Took Hunter to the Beach!

Since summer was fading fast, we spontaneously went to the beach one Monday!  Sarah has Monday off, and it was her idea to go.  We were joking around about taking Hunter and then thought, "why not?".  It was fun, but not really the place for him.

On our way to Santa Cruz, we had to stop and Jonathan and I traded seats because Hunter didn't like having to sit in the back.  So I sat in the back with him.

The beach held fascinating, new things for Hunter!  And if you know Hunter, you know that he did not stray from me too far.  As we were leaving, I noticed that he was walking funny.  My thought was, "oh no, he stepped on something in the sand".  However, turns out, the sand was just really hot for his feet~  I carried him to the car.

Hunter kept an eye on four little boys that were next to us.  They were very active and gave Hunter something to watch!

On the way home, Hunter was exhausted!

Sleeping most of the way home.

Sarah wanted to get some ollali berries to make jam.  Driving up the coast, I was amazed at the beautiful coast.  Looking out to the ocean, I was struck by the many, berry and artichoke fields.

The fields were just there. . . .next to the sea.

Instead, Sarah brought home a sunburn in the pattern 
of her swimsuit!

A fabulous day at the beach in Santa Cruz!

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